Dry Eye

Dry Eye

30 million people suffer with Chronic Dry Eye. Red, irritated,  painful, and itching eyes are symptoms of dry eyes. In less severe cases, discomfort can stimulate reactive or reflex tears that flood the eye to combat the lack of lubrication in your tears. These tears will not relieve the problem because they are too watery. In more severe cases, patients will complain of a gritty or sandy feeling.

There are three strategies for treating dry eye. The doctor will try to find the best option for you. First, is an artificial tear supplement. 

Second, is MiBoThermoFlo® treatment. This is a cost effective therapeutic medical device that offers you relief by applying continuous controlled heat to the outer skin of the eyelid along with ultrasound gel for a gentle massage. The heat is absorbed deep into the tissue and breaks down the hardened lipids in the Meibomian glands. The ducts of the Meibomian glands will then secrete thinner and clearer lipids which will allow for a healthier tear film.

Third, is NuLids® treatment. This natural system contains no pharmaceuticals and takes just 60 seconds per day. Patients report NuLids® to be cost effective by reducing the need for expensive artificial tears, gels, and ointments.The oscillating soft tip design gently stimulates and rejuvenates the Meibomian glands back to a more youthful and healthy state – the way they were when dry eye was not a problem.
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